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D-U-N-S® is an abbreviation for "Data Universal Numbering System" and is a business identification system designed by Dun & Bradstreet in 1962. Through this system, a unique nine-digit number is assigned to each company listed in the worldwide Dun & Bradstreet database. This nine-digit number is called the D-U-N-S® Number and serves as a tool for identifying, organizing and consolidating information about companies. Companies worldwide use the D-U-N-S® Number to consolidate and connect information about suppliers, customers and business partners, giving them a more complete picture of the opportunities and risks in their business relationships. With your own D-U-N-S® Number, you can therefore easily demonstrate to your (international) suppliers and customers that and how you are registered as a company in the local trade register, which can, for example, promote your supplier credit.

As soon as the Chambre of Commerce receives your figures, they are being processed and passed on to Dun & Bradstreet. Upon receipt, we process the annual returns and these will be available in our products the next day. In case you have no obligation of publication, or if you want to have your figures processed by D&B prior to publication, you can send us an email with your request and your annual returns. In this case, the annual returns have to be concluded and audited by your accountant (both your accountant’s conclusion and audit must be stated clearly in the pieces provided).

Send an email to

Dun & Bradstreet processes all annual returns deposited with the Chamber of Commerce. Dun & Bradstreet has an agreement with the CoC, who delivers the data upon deposit and processing. In addition, in case financial data are not available, D&B models data very restrictedly to be able to indicate the size of the company.

In the Netherlands, Dun & Bradstreet collects information from public sources such as the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, the Law Gazette, courts, news media and other public sources, and the DunTrade® Programme DunTrade® Program.

The D&B-rating (e.g. 4A3) is an indication for creditworthiness. The D&B-rating is usually being divided in two: the “Financial strength indicator” and the “Risk indicator”, which determines the risk associated with the company. The D&B-rating is composed of two items:

  1. The ‘Financial strength indicator’ wich measures a company’s financial strength, based on the net acquired capital or the capital deposited.
  2. The ‘Risk Indicator’, always the last position of the D&B-Rating, shows the calculated risk of bankruptcy on a scale from 1 to 4, 1 representing a minimal risk and 4 indicating a high risk of bankruptcy.

The Risk Indicator is being derived from the attributed D&B Bankruptcy Score.

Should you want to provide Dun & Bradstreet with complementary information, you can send us a request per email to process and register within our products. Be aware that Dun & Bradstreet only processes data when every relevant demand has been fulfilled.

Example: if you want to provide D&B with a complementary bill of profit and loss, the referral period should correspond with the fiscal year of the most recent balance deposited with the CoC In addition, it should be stated clearly that you have the authority to act on behalf of the company. In this case, the additional figures must be recorded and validated/audited by your accountant or administration (both records and validation/audition by your accountant or administration must show in the pieces provided).

As soon as data have been analysed and registered in D&B products, this information will be available for all Dun & Bradstreet customers requesting it.

Beware! D&B do not process quarterly figures or any other interim financial reports, only the annual returns.

The D&B Bankruptcy Score is a mathematically calculated score which predicts the relative chance of bankruptcy, based on statistical techniques and calculating models unique to Dun & Bradstreet. In these calculating models we use a number of historical data elements, which can be identified specifically for prosperous and failing companies, to predict future behaviour and continuity. In the Netherlands, the D&B Bankruptcy score is being calculated based on the following elements:

  • General demografic company data: e.g. judicial entity, number of employees, company’s longevity, industrial area.
  • Financial data: e.g. profit and loss figures , financial ratios, trends.
  • Payment experiences: e.g. experiences from the DunTrade® Programme.
  • Collection experiences: e.g. Presence, value and frequency of collection experiences.

The D&B Bankruptcy Score is a relative risk assessment for company bankruptcy, which means that it positions a company in relation to all other companies in the referral country. E.g. A bankruptcy score of 80 means that 20% of the companies in that country/group (benchmark) has a smaller chance, 79% has a bigger chance and 1% has an equal chance of bankruptcy… Then, the D&B Bankruptcy Score is used to calculate the risk indicator of the D&B rating (1 to 4).

The D&B Payment Score, or Paydex, is a relative measurement of a company’s payment capacity and indicates the pace with which it pays its invoices.

The payment score is expressed in values from 1 (lowest score) to 100 (highest score). A score of 80 may thus be considered optimal, as this score shows that invoices are on average being paid within term.
A payment score under 80 equals an average delay and scores above 80 equal payments fulfilled faster than due (e.g. to obtain discounts).

The payment experiences D&B daily receives from independent companies via the Dun-Trade® programme, are basis for the D&B Payment Score.

Following video provides a clear explanation on the D&B Payment Score or D&B Paydex:

This address has been obtained from the Chambre of Commerce in which your company has been registered. The registered address is the most recent address known to the CoC. Should the address we have registered, be incomplete or incorrect, we advise you to inform your source (the Chambre of Commerce) on this. CoC will communicate all changes to D&B, and upon receipt, checked and processed. All changes will be effective in D&B products the next day.

At all times Dun & Bradstreet aims to provide you with a reliable and consistent service. Should you not be satisfied with the service provided, then you can report this in writing with the Dun & Bradstreet Customer Services team.

However, if you are not satisfied with the service we have given you you can report this in writing to the Dun & Bradstreet Customer Services team.

In order to provide you with the best possible service, please describe the complaint as fully as possible.

Once we have received your complaint in good order, we will provide you with a unique reference number identifying your complaint. We will make every effort to resolve your complaint and provide you with an appropriate response within 3 business days.

You can write to us at the following e-mail address:

Or via the following address:

Dun & Bradstreet B.V.
For the attention of Customer Services Team
Otto Reuchlinweg 1094
3072 MD Rotterdam
The Netherlands

De D&B Kredietlimiet is het gemiddeld aanvaardbaar openstaand bedrag per gemiddelde leverancier (1) betaalbaar op 30 dagen. (2) gemiddelde leverancier is geen strategische of onbeduidende leverancier. Deze twee groepen behoeven aangepaste limieten. (3) Indien er een aansprakelijkheidsverklaring afgegeven is, of u maakt onderdeel uit van een groep (die geconsolideerd publiceert), zal het EIGEN VERMOGEN van de aansprakelijkheidsnemer / van de groep worden gebruikt. De D&B Kredietlimiet is een verantwoord ADVIES. U kunt zelf besluiten deze te verhogen dan wel te verlagen. Argumenten hiervoor kunnen zijn:
  1. Other payment conditions. If the payment terms extend (e.g. 60 days instead of 30) the risk will increase because the amount due lasts longer. In this case it would be logical to decrease limits. For shorter payment terms the opposite counts.
  2. Are you a strategic supplier, are you being paid sooner, then you can consider increasing the limit. They do have to pay you, for should you cut supplies, their existence will be at risk (be aware of the right balance in dependency).
  3. Should the average order amounts be much higher (or much lower), then you can choose to increase or decrease the credit limit by a certain factor.
NOTE: let the risk of bankruptcy always be leading.


The Netherlands


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