Get a Dun & Bradstreet Business Information Report
Are you looking for information about a (potential) customer or supplier? Request a Dun & Bradstreet Business Information Report here to see what the financial situation and payment behavior is.
Check the credit worthiness of a company with a D&B Business Information Report
The Altares Dun & Bradstreet business (credit) reports helps you to make daily credit decisions, analyze the financial strength of a company and discover commercial opportunities.
The business (credit) reports contain the most up-to-date information, through the direct link with 30,000 data sources and make a clear translation to risk assessment.
Find out what the D&B Rating & Scores say about a company
Curious about how we calculate our scores? How you can interpret the Rating & Scores? We analyze enormous amounts of data on a daily basis. Using built-in algorithms, we arrive at a rating, bankruptcy score, and Paydex. These Ratings and Scorings say a lot about the financial health of an organisation.
Want to use D&B Business Information Reports more often?
D&B Company Reports are there for every company in the world. The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud holds as many as 500+ million companies, and you can integrate this data into your own systems with D&B Direct+ Data Blocks.
D&B Direct+ Data Blocks lets you choose which of our data you want to connect to your own systems, such CRM as CRM or ERP. For example, you can link our credit risk data to your customer data in your CRM. This way you always have up-to-date and validated credit risk data about customers and suppliers at hand.
What can we help you with?
I want to be able to assess the risks with prospects
Did a promising lead come in? Good for you! But now it's time to make some business decisions. Are you going to accept him as a customer? Can he buy on credit, and if so on what terms? When making these decisions, use our reliable business information, such as our credit risk data. Then you avoid doing business with companies that actually cannot meet their financial obligations. Read more.
I want to map my market and market potential
Knowledge and understanding of your market is critical to your success. The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud is the largest of its kind and allows you to conduct comprehensive analysis, understand your market share and market penetration, and uncover growth opportunities.
How many companies are there actually within a particular region and how big are these companies? How many companies are active within a specific branch and how many people are employed there? You can quickly and easily make counts and selections in D&B's international companies database on the basis of many criteria. This gives you an insight into where you can best focus your efforts and where your chances of success are the greatest. Read More
I want to integrate Dun & Bradstreet data into my ERP system
By integrating our rich database into your ERP system, you can benefit in many ways. For example, you clean up and keep your data clean throughout your organization. You can validate and enrich your customer and prospect information directly from your business application. Current information becomes instantly accessible within your ERP and you can use it to automate your acceptance process and improve scoring model. Read more.
I want to identify a stakeholder (UBO) of a complex organization
Almost 70% of Dutch BVs are linked via shares to another company in the Netherlands or internationally. More than 30% of Dutch BVs and NVs have a link to foreign companies. The Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud is the most complete and reliable source for insight into the Dutch and foreign relationships of your business partners, ranging from small unknown companies to the largest multinationals with thousands of branches. Read more.
I want to understand and monitor the risk in the total supply chain
An initial check when selecting a supplier is not sufficient. It is then important to make all changes in risks transparent and to monitor them. This keeps you informed exactly how the risks in your total supply chain are developing. Only with this information can you correctly assess all risks within your portfolio. Read more.