Data about every company in the world, in realtime in your CRM



dataxess for CRM

Real-time company information in your CRM

Gain insight into your customers' corporate structure

Info & insights on all companies in the world

All data automatically updated

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dataxess' key features solve your biggest data challenges


Link our unique D-U-N-S numbers to the right business entities and your database will be clean, complete and prepped in no time. No duplicates and no incorrect data in your CRM.


Enhance the database* with additional, more in-depth insights and take your CRM to the next level. Together we will transform your database into a valuable source of information for your entire organization


Connect your systems to our data cloud and benefit from real-time data throughout your whole organization. Less manual input, automatic quality control and more efficient business processes through an improved workflow. Real-time data: anytime, anywhere

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How it works

dataxess at a glance

dataxess' 4 building blocks help you achieve your data challenges

bin icon
1. Cleanse
Entry icon
2. Entry
Enrich icon
3. Enrich
Maintain icon
4. Maintain
The results for your database
360° view on business relations
Company profiles of your business relations have never been this complete. Join forces across various departments to understand your relationships better than ever.
Strategic guidelines

Get a realistic reflection of your organization by using data-as-a-strategy to define your direction. Stay ahead of your competitors.

Improved communications
Get every professional from each department, region, and business unit work with the same, complete insights to reduce internal miscommunication.
Efficient workflow

Valuable insights should automatically flow to the right place within the enterprise. Automate time consuming processes, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and remain proactive.

Dataxess cleans up your customer data by vigorously sweeping through your CRM. It links our unique D-U-N-S number to your customer data and then verifies it with our rich database. In no time your CRM is cleaned up and organized. Duplicates are a thing of the past, as is incorrect data.

  • Get rid of duplicates
  • Flag 'out of business’ companies
  • Automatic account deduplication
  • Customizable duplicate management rules (more advanced than your CRM standard rules)

Manually adding data to the CRM is time consuming. And boring. With Dataxess you can create a complete and enriched account within seconds. Thanks to the link with the D&B Data Cloud, your CRM gets an entry screen (see below) and you search in your CRM for the company you want to add - a few seconds later the account is created and checked for duplicates.

This is a first-time-right method that ensures that data is always added to the CRM correctly and uniformly. Once the account is created, the data is automatically maintained.

  • Lean and user-friendly
  • Create complete accounts in less than 10 sec - save time up to 99%
  • First time right
  • Always actual data on all your accounts
  • Say bye bye to duplicates

Jouw CRM, aangedreven door bedrijfsinformatie. Zoek je het juiste adres van je klant? Of wil je checken of die nieuwe klant wel kredietwaardig is? Dit en nog veel meer kun je met Dataxess rechtstreeks vanuit je CRM doen, dankzij het verrijken van je klantgegevens. Dataxess verrijkt je accounts met tientallen informatievelden, van kredietrisico tot sales en marketing data – alles handig geordend op de accountpagina.

  • Identity: DUNS, local identification, company name, address, active / inactive
  • Segmentation: grading, revenue, employees, local sector and SIC, industry
  • Principals: position, last name, first name
  • Corporate structures: corporate hierarchy, head office
  • Financial and risk data: D&B rating, Paydex

Never manually update data again. So your CRM is a valuable source of information, but who has the time and inclination to look up information and update the CRM? Fortunately, Dataxess takes the complete maintenance off your hands - think of it as outsourcing data management.

Dataxess processes changes daily, such as moves, acquisitions, bankruptcies, changes in credit risk, credit limits and much more. So you can be sure that the data in your CRM is correct and complete without having to do anything.

  • Shorten your sales cycle up to 50%
  • Qualify leads with the speed of light
  • 360 degree view of all your accounts
  • Avoid differentiated account management
  • Be better prepared for customer meetings
  • Easily create segmented reports

An overview of all that dataxess has to offer

  • Better define new leads and accelerate conversions
  • Increase the reliability of communication campaigns (avoid duplicates, ensure addresses are correct, etc.)
  • Consolidate all information about subsidiaries, branches and contacts from the same group to optimise client loyalty programs and cross-selling campaign
  • Make creation of client profiles more accurate thanks to reliable data
  • Assess client dependency by sector or geographical area 
  • Increase sales teams’ productivity by reducing administrative work (manually entering CRM data, etc.)
  • Increase their client knowledge thanks to value-added D&B information that is updated daily
  • Facilitate key account prospection through corporate family trees
  • Improve sales organisation with segmentation and corporate structure data
  • Set international objectives for relevant key accounts based on family trees
  • Reassign the productivity gain to client loyalty or prospecting 
  • Reduce costs and delays related to misdirected invoices (wrong address, wrong contact details, etc.)
  • Accelerate your credit decisions thanks to risk data
  • Consolidate outstanding payments from clients that are part of the same group
  • Implement an effective “lead to cash” strategy
    “lead to cash” strategie.
  • Increase team productivity by reducing administrative tasks and information collection time 
  • Enrich your systems with relevant, homogeneous data that can easily be combined (D-U-N-S)
  • Facilitate data exchanges between your different databases and business applications 
  • Accelerate compliance procedures: meet your legal requirements for third party identification, segmentation, data monitoring and transparency (e.g. KYC, SOX, MiFID, Basel II, Small Business Act, etc.)

Want to know more about

Contact us for more information or a demo. We'd be happy to help.


Reporting & Management
Reporting & management

Our data helps you create reports of your business activities so you can present useful information to various levels of management.

The quality of your reports increases enormously, because you are always working with up-to-date information on all companies worldwide. You can better assess situations, also within different departments and regions.

  • Make timely decisions based on facts
  • Mitigate potential risk
  • Identify room for improvement
  • Use the corporate hierarchy to consolidate customer revenue
  • Justify marketing investments
  • Rapidly create accurate reports

Aligned internal organization: adding value throughout the customer journey

Having a single source of truth drastically improves the collaboration and synergy between different departments. Start building on the efforts of a company-wide approach. No more manual exercises, parallel activities or incorrect invoicing details. The result: aligned internal organization and external communication.

In order to improve the customer journey, all touchpoints should add positive value to your business relation. For many companies, CRM is linked to ERP or a billing system. By being sure of clean data, you can rely on all the tools that are linked to CRM.

  • Improved collaboration between Sales, Marketing, Finance
  • Boost your teams’ productivity
  • Improved internal communication based on single source of truth
  • Trust data over manual exercises, focus on your core
  • Correct invoicing details; less churn and improved
    cash flow
  • Create unique customer journeys based on rich data
single source of truth

What can we help you with?

By integrating our rich database into your ERP system, you can benefit in many ways. For example, you clean up and keep your data clean throughout your organization. You can validate and enrich your customer and prospect information directly from your business application. Current information becomes instantly accessible within your ERP and you can use it to automate your acceptance process and improve scoring model. Read more.

You have invested in a powerful (CRM or ERP) application, but the quality of the data it contains leaves much to be desired. A great many companies are faced with this problem. Altares Dun & Bradstreet can help you normalize, rationalize, deduplicate, update, enrich and maintain your data. Read more.

Within companies there is often a lot of information. In practice, however, this information is usually fragmented and stored in different systems or databases. For a good and complete picture of your relationships, it is essential to integrate your databases into one pure master data management file. Read more.

Feeding your business systems with accurate, complete, current and consistent business information is critical to virtually all of your business processes. It allows you to use your systems and applications more effectively and efficiently. Read more.

Data quality in supplier databases often leaves much to be desired. Virtually every supply database contains duplicate, incorrect and incomplete records. Moreover, you are probably dealing with not just one, but several files. Altares Dun & Bradstreet helps you to cluster data into one pure 'vendor master file'. Read more.

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