Search Engine Maps Businesses Affected by the Earthquake in Japan

Reading Time: 5 Minutes | Written by Anne de Geus | April 4, 2011

Press releases

Starting Friday, April 1, a free search engine (Japan Disaster Business Search) will be available to map businesses located in the Japanese regions affected by the earthquake and tsunami on March 11.

The search engine helps Dutch businesses gain insight into potential financial risks and threats to their business continuity. The initiative comes from Dun & Bradstreet, a provider of commercial information.

Jan Willem de Vries, CEO of Dun & Bradstreet, said: "Such events have far-reaching consequences and impact businesses that are directly or indirectly involved with Japanese companies. We have made our data available to help businesses assess the short- and long-term impact correctly. Many Dutch companies have Japanese customers, partners, or suppliers." Dun & Bradstreet will also soon release an updated Japan Risk Line report with additional information, describing the impact of the disaster on commercial activities in Japan.

150,000 Businesses Identified in Affected Regions

Dun & Bradstreet identified over 150,000 businesses in the regions of Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate based on its data sources. Users can search by company name or the D-U-N-S number (Data Universal Numbering System), a unique identification sequence that forms the basis of the global D&B database, which identifies individual businesses and the corporate relationships between them. The search engine shows which companies are involved and whether a business is located in the affected region.

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Anne de Geus

Marketing Campaign Officer

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