Indicator for economy awaits expiration of support measures
Rotterdam, 10 February 2022 - In January 2022, a total of 126 bankruptcies were declared in the Netherlands. That's 31 fewer than December and 35 fewer than January 2021 (161). This represents another historic low, according to business data specialist Altares Dun & Bradstreet. Most bankruptcies have occurred in the Trade sector (23), followed by Construction with 18 declared bankruptcies. These two sectors are also leaders when looking at the whole of 2021 with 313 and 310 bankruptcies respectively.
Bankruptcies not a current gauge of economy
David Verheecke, Managing Director Benelux at Altares Dun & Bradstreet: "In an economy without government support these figures would outline a rolling economic situation, however that is not the case at the moment. Indeed, if we look at how the number of bankruptcies normally relates to the development of GDP, the number should be much higher."
Government support
"A side effect of government support measures is that financially unhealthy organizations also continue to exist. When the support measures are lifted, it will have to be seen how the companies really came out of the corona crisis." says David Verheecke.