Credit Manager is becoming Data Manager: the changing credit world

Henrica Westhoeve
Aug. 30, 2022 - Reading Time 6 minutes

Credit management blijft in beweging. De finance afdeling ging al van binders vol papieren naar spreadsheets, maar inmiddels zien we volledig geautomatiseerde kredietsystemen een groot deel van de taken overnemen. Eén ding blijft onveranderd: de credit manager zal altijd te maken hebben met gegevens van klanten en prospects. Hoe verandert deze data de rol van de hedendaagse credit manager? En hoe kom je tot een creditstrategie die toekomstproof is?

de veranderende credit wereld

Why reliable data is indispensable for a good credit management strategy

Automated solutions can be used to improve and speed up credit processes. Automation can be used in various areas. You can automate klantacceptatieprocessen automatiserenbut automation also helps to provide the ultimate customer experience. For example, this could include automatic ‘thank you’ emails upon payment or automatically generated payment reminder emails to customers (i.e. lower DSO, higher customer satisfaction).

Door de grote mate van automatisering en digitalisering, speelt data een grotere rol binnen de hedendaagse finance afdelingen. De traditionele credit manager wordt plots belast met termen als data governance en datakwaliteit. Geautomatiseerde credit oplossingen baseren hun beslissingen immers op data. De data waarop deze beslissingen genomen worden moet dus altijd accuraat, volledig en betrouwbaar zijn, en de credit manager moet ook kennis van data hebben om de kwaliteit te kunnen bewaken.

Credit data for the entire organization

The life of the credit manager is made a lot easier when other departments can also make credit decisions without your intervention. Take the sales department, for example. We’ve written about this before: it’s better to be too early than too late when it comes to decisions about the creditworthiness of a new customer. How ideal is it if sales teams themselves have access to data that allows them to see which payment terms are preferable? Real-time data on customers and prospects offers a solution for this. schreven er al eerder over: je bent er liever te vroeg, dan te laat bij als het gaat om beslissingen over de kredietwaardigheid van een nieuwe klant. Hoe ideaal is het als sales teams zelf toegang hebben tot gegevens waarmee zij kunnen zien welke betaalvoorwaarden aan te bevelen zijn?

With a data supplier such as Altares Dun & Bradstreet, you can realize customized scoring solutions. Such a solution not only puts historic credit data at your fingertips, but also predictive models and indicators. maatwerkoplossingen voor customized scoring. Binnen zo’n oplossing beschik je niet alleen over kredietdata uit het verleden, maar ook over voorspellende modellen en indicatoren voor de toekomst.

The advantages

  • A single reliable source of credit information;
  • The entire organization always has the most up-to-date customer data at its disposal;
  • Employees without a finance or compliance background are enabled to make credit decisions;
  • And on top of that: huge time savings.

Each day we help our customers automate customer acceptance checks. Altares Dun & Bradstreet has been known for decades as the supplier of credit data for businesses. This of course makes us a reliable partner for this, but in the meantime we can provide much more than just credit reports.

At Altares Dun & Bradstreet we continue to innovate, because the credit world does not stand still. The innovations in the world of Credit Management demand a different mindset of credit managers. Download our paper “ Overcoming Innovation Obstacles as a Credit Manager ” and discover how to deal with the changing playing field.


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White paper

Credit Monitoring

Opportunities for your organization in focus

A credit check at customer acceptance is valuable, but also immediately outdated. The real credit risk actually begins after you have accepted a customer. accepted. The solution: monitor the financial health of your customers in real time.

Pdf of 16 pages, 0.4 MB
Credit Monitoring

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