Company information for Wwft check
- Verify basic company information (trade name, address, country, Chamber of Commerce number, etc)
- Expose corporate structures (headquarters, local branches, holding companies, etc)
- Gain insight into the financial health of a company or business entity
- Establish UBOs internationally and screen them for PEP and sanctions lists
- Automate 75% of your Wwft check with our compliance tool indueD
How it works
Our company information for your Wwft check
A Wwft check is faster and more thorough with our up-to-date and validated company information including 400+ million companies and 300+ million UBOs: the largest UBO database in the world.
Verify a business entity
Does your client's company actually exist? Verify companies and business entities with our legal and firmographic data on companies, such as company names and address, type of industry or business activity, size and national IDs.
These and 300+ other data with basic business information help you verify companies and discover more information about them.
Mapping a business family
Companies belonging to the same owners and/or shareholders form a corporate family structure. Such a corporate family consists of headquarters, local branches, holding companies, operating companies, etc, each with its own fundamental characteristics, such as the company name, a financial situation and owners and/or directors.
Altares is the only business intelligence provider in the world that can expose corporate structures globally and provide business intelligence by business entity, such as fundamental business information, UBOs and financial insights.
The financial situation of a company
Our credit risk data provides insight into a company's financial situation, such as payment behavior, collection information and revenue figures across 400+ million companies worldwide, including the financial situation of affiliates in the corporate structure.
Altares Dun & Bradstreet processes large amounts of financial data every day. Using smart algorithms, we build our Scoring & Ratings that help you determine a company's financial health.
Identifying UBOs worldwide
Complex UBO structures, such as high secrecy jurisdictions and letterbox formas (such as the Cayman Islands) make identifying and verifying UBOs difficult.
Altares manages the largest UBO database in the world. It allows you to identify UBOs both nationally and internationally, and you are not limited to local UBO registries of local providers.
Products & solutions for Wwft check
From a quick background check to automated customer research within your own systems.
Real-time company information for due diligence in one convenient environment. Identify UBOs and screen your clients for PEP and sanctions lists. Automate 75% of your Wwft check.
D&B Credit
Insight into the payment behavior and financial position of companies worldwide. Credit ratings, credit limits, company reports and more.
about our company information
Altares Dun & Bradstreet offers the world's most comprehensive business intelligence and analytical insights to empower business decisions. In addition to fundamental company data, we offer the world's largest UBO database that can identify UBOs nationally and internationally - including for complex UBO structures. For insight into the financial situation of companies, you can rely on our credit risk data. Want to do more efficient Wwft checks? Then use our compliance tool indueD and save 75% of your time.
500M +
5M +
22M +
Company information from 30,000 sources
National tax records
Doing a Wwft check in your own systems
With our API connect our business intelligence to the applications where you need it most. This is how you transform the way you research customers: verify companies in a snap in your CRM and enrich your customer data for a complete picture of every customer.
- Work through your ERP or CRM with our business information and insights
- Check bedrijven direct in je CRM of ERP
- Enrich your customer information for greater visibility and easier collaboration with colleagues.
White paper
Cross-border Approach to identifying the UBO tracing
There is an ever larger mountain of responsibilities placed on the compliance professional. Globalization makes it even more complex. In this paper, we explain how to deal with UBOs across borders.
Why corporate information from Altares?
Exclusive partner of the worldwide Dun & Bradstreet Network in the Benelux and France
The only provider that can expose corporate structures worldwide
The world's largest UBO database
Patented data quality process
175 years of experience
I want to automate my customer acceptance process
For a clean, efficient and effective customer underwriting process, you need a reliable source of up-to-date business information. Integrate Dun & Bradstreet data directly into your own environment and automate your underwriting process for fast, informed and consistent decisions. Read more.
I want to assess the risks with prospects
Did a promising lead come in? Good for you! But now it's time to make some business decisions. Are you going to accept him as a customer? Can he buy on credit, and if so on what terms? When making these decisions, use our reliable business information, such as our credit risk data. Then you avoid doing business with companies that actually cannot meet their financial obligations. Read more.
I want to understand the risks of a country's business environment
Altares Dun & Bradstreet's country information informs you of everything you need to know about doing business in a specific country. You will be kept informed of important changes and of expected national developments within a country that may affect your business. Read more.
I want to monitor the developments within my debtor portfolio
By enriching your own client information with valuable Altares Dun & Bradstreet data, you create a clear overview and always know exactly how your client portfolio is doing. Where are your risks and where are your opportunities? Based on this insight you can segment your dunning process and determine focus within your portfolio. Read more.