White papers

We are curious and are happy to share our findings. Read our latest whitepapers on Master Data, Risk Management, Marketing Intelligence and more.

compliance mythe

Top 10 compliance myths busted

Managing third-party risk is vital to every businessโ€™ reputation and long-term success. But with growing regulatory requirements, compliance skills shortages and numerous potential sources of information, managing third-party risk as an organization can feel like a very painful process.

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whitepaper laatbelaters en wanbetalers voorkomen
Credit Risk Management

Prevent late payers and defaulters: Protect your organization and get paid faster

It is no secret that many companies have to deal with late or delinquent payments. Obviously, your organization wants to avoid this. If your customers donโ€™t pay you, you may end up in a position where the delinquent payments eventually make you unable to pay your own creditors on time. By following these five tangible tips, you can rest assured of faster payments.

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Whitepaper mockup - UBO structuren begrijpen

Understanding UBO structures (dutch)

Identifying and verifying ultimate stakeholders (UBOs) is an essential component of both the Know Your Customer (KYC) onboarding and monitoring process. Finding cross border UBOs can be challenging. This paper shows you how to approach this.

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Van Data naar inzicht
Master Data Management

From data to insight: Predictive Analytics (NL)

How do you make the best decisions as a company? The magic formula: make sure you know exactly what is going on and what is going to happen. Easily said, and more and more easily done. Business analytics, the specialist field that deals with these issues, is making great progress.

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What can we help you with?

Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do checks yourself, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening. Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do self-checks, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening.
Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do checks yourself, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening. Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do self-checks, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening.
Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do checks yourself, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening. Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do self-checks, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening.
Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do checks yourself, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening. Our Risk & Compliance products give you data and insights to protect your business. There are tools to do self-checks, to full integration of our data into your systems for automated screening.

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